Catalytic Converters in Automobiles

There is no denying that automobiles are one of the biggest causes of harmful emissions in our surroundings. Blaming the technology for the smog in urban land is easy, but we can apply the same technology in bringing balance to the environment.

Now, we can't reduce the usage of cars in this era, but we can implement a safety device in automobiles that could mitigate this problem to a large extent. That is why automobile engineers are employing Catalytic Converters in vehicles to resolve this Pan-world problem. This exhaust emission control device can reduce the expansion of smog and ultimately reduce air pollution to a great extent. Catalytic converter prevents the dangerous fumes from reaching the environment by removing the unburned fuel and other harmful compounds.

The catalytic converter, going by the name of "cat," is a part of the car's exhaust system, which is reasonably necessary for the latest vehicles. Reducing the amount of harmful chemicals in ambient gases serves to the environmental concerns and prevents diseases like asthma and cancer that might occur if we continue breathing the toxic fumes.

One might suggest some other alternatives like hybrid vehicles and electric motors, which contribute less to pollution. Still, either people are not ready to give up their old vehicles or cannot afford new vehicles. So, the affordable solution that comes to mind is Catalytic converters.

As the name suggests, the Catalytic converter converts carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon into carbon dioxide and water, and breaks down nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and oxygen.

Apart from reducing the impact of harmful gases on the environment, Catalytic converters exhibit several other pros.

●       Removal of Catalytic converter might lead to leakage of toxic fumes in the atmosphere. One of them is carbon monoxide which affects the respiratory organs in some vulnerable age groups.

●       Catalytic converters decrease carbon monoxide by about 85%, hydrocarbon emissions by about 87%, and nitrous oxide by 62% if one considers an automobile's entire working period.

●       It is possible that the fault code in the vehicles may be arising due to the removal of the Catalytic converter.

●       You will notice the change in the vehicle with Catalytic converters that they are comparatively more adept in reducing the emission of harmful gases and consuming lesser fuel.

●       Automobiles without Catalytic converters tend to consume more fuel and might put a dent in your pocket.

●       Automobile owners with Catalytic converters are more likely to pass the visual test.

●       The toxicity of exhaust gases is increasing, and unprocessed fumes are carcinogenic. The reason is enough to build automobiles with Catalytic converters.

Initially, it was assumed by automobile makers that catalytic converters might make the vehicles costly. Still, it only added 2% to the cost, and in 1985 Environmental Protection Agency estimated that catalytic converters could reduce healthcare expenses up to 10 times.

In developed countries like the USA, removing the catalytic converter is considered an illegal act. You can't simply remove the converter without following a legal procedure. Failure to comply with the rules might even call for a fine.


Several gases remain unburned even after undergoing multiple treatment reactions. Catalytic converters make sure that those gases burn away completely. That is why the USA made this device mandatory in all the vehicles that came after 1975. Catalytic converters do nothing but bring multiple health-related advantages. The usage of this device ensures that we get to breathe in the fresh air.

Meta Description

Automobile pollution is on the surge, and the Catalytic converter seems a reliable and affordable option to breathe in a clean environment.


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Pollution controlling devices in Automobiles